

The Point of Power is in the Present.
-Jane Roberts

Imagine a place...
where you have a clear sense of your personal power. A place where you are neither overbearing nor meek. A place where you have a deep connection with your inner strength and how you use it to move through life.

Welcome to Peaceful Warrior Wellness Studio.
When you step onto your mat you begin to dissolve any darkness or heaviness within, and you connect with your True Self. This Personal Power is what enables you to act with compassion, inwardly and outwardly, to live with acceptance of yourself, and others,  in the now. Tapping into this inner strength makes it possible to focus on our wholeness, and know that we are worthy and deserving of goodness.

This is the path of the Peaceful Warrior- not to wage war, but moment by moment to connect with the Power Within to heal, thrive, and to affect that change throughout the world.
peaceful warrior yoga
yoga in Sault  Ste. Marie
Movement has always been a big part of my life. For as long as I can remember I have experimented with making shapes with my body. In my teens I began pursuing a career in the performing arts and studied dance, movement, contact improvisation and other physical modalities. After the birth of my first child I found a Yoga video on VHS for $1 at a yard sale and I was hooked. Regular yoga practice brought me a sense of peace and confidence I had never known before, and it allowed me to begin to truly know myself. I still have that video. In 2015, my relationship with yoga lead me to learn to teach. After participating in a five month long intensive training program I became a certified yoga instructor recognized by the Canadian Yoga Alliance. I continue to grow and learn by practicing, attending workshops, conferences, and teacher training yearly. I am honoured to share what I have learned with you.
My own life experience has led the way to a deeply mindful practice. I am the mother of four fantastic kids, I have battled with extreme back pain due to an injury that is almost two decades old, and I have had my own struggles with depression and anxiety. Through it all, I have had yoga and meditation.

Ranging from gentle and restful to energizing and powerful, I strive to help you follow your intuition. Through movement and breath you can strike your own balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
I invite you to explore your practice, to heal and grow, to discover your inner power.
Discover your Peaceful Warrior.

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM

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